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Ordered and Unordered Calculator Lists

Lists in two columns

Ordered List

  1. Amortization Calculator
  2. Auto Loan Calculator
  3. Finance Calculator
  4. Inflation Calculator
  5. Investment Calculator
  6. Payment Calculator
  7. Retirement Calculator

Unordered List

  • Compound Interest Calculator
  • Salary Calculator
  • Interest Rate Calculator
  • Sales Tax Calculator
  • Interest Calculator
  • Income Tax Calculator
  • Loan Calculator

Basic Calculator

Basic Calculator

Appearance: A small, rectangular device with a screen at the top and a grid of buttons below.

Screen: Displays numbers and simple arithmetic operations.

Buttons: Include digits 0-9, basic operations (+, -, *, /), an equal sign, and possibly a percentage button. Often has a few extra keys like "C" for clear or "M+" for memory functions.

Color: Often in neutral tones like black, gray, or white.

Scientific Calculator

Scientific Calculator

Appearance: Larger and more complex than a basic calculator, with a screen at the top and multiple rows of buttons.

Screen: Typically shows more detailed information, such as multiple lines of text or a graph.

Buttons: Includes digits, basic operations, as well as functions for trigonometry (sin, cos, tan), logarithms, exponents, and sometimes a small set of programming functions. Often has a shift or mode key to access secondary functions.

Color: Often black or gray with colorful buttons for different functions.

Graphing Calculator

Graphing Calculator

Appearance: Usually a larger device with a sizable screen and a more complex button layout.

Screen: Capable of displaying graphs and multiple lines of text; often backlit.

Buttons: Include numeric keys, mathematical functions, graphing options, and possibly a stylus or touchpad for interacting with the screen.

Color: Typically a sleek, professional black or silver.

Financial Calculator

Financial Calculator

Appearance: Compact and designed with financial functions in mind.

Screen: Displays numbers and financial formulas; may have a dedicated area for financial calculations.

Buttons: Include digits, basic operations, and specialized keys for financial functions like IRR (Internal Rate of Return), NPV (Net Present Value), and amortization.

Color: Often black, gray, or dark blue.

Online Calculator

Online Calculator

Appearance: A web-based interface displayed in a browser window.

Screen: Shows the result of calculations in real-time.

Buttons: Include all the usual numeric and operation buttons, plus some extra functionalities depending on the website (e.g., memory functions, unit conversions).

Color: Varied, often designed to blend with the website’s theme—can be white, light gray, or a gradient.

Vintage Calculator

Vintage Calculator

Appearance: Retro style, possibly mechanical or early electronic, with a distinct old-school look.

Screen: May have an analog display or early digital numbers.

Buttons: Mechanical or early digital buttons with limited functionality compared to modern calculators.

Color: Often beige, gray, or other muted tones typical of older electronics.

Simple Gallery

Images in three columns and unlimited rows.